Emma Jackson

Wealth Planning Associate, Phoenix Wealth Advisors
Financial Professional, RJFS

Emma joined the PWA team in September as a Wealth Planning Associate and has almost two decades of experience in the financial industry. Emma focuses on building solid relationships based on clear communication and trust. She understands that money means different things to different people, and nothing is more rewarding for her than helping clients feel in control of their finances and make confident decisions, by finding solutions and helping to simplify life. This is especially true during life’s many changes - whether it be the birth of a new child or grandchild, transitioning into retirement, or guiding beneficiaries during the most difficult times after the loss of a loved one. She is here to help navigate on your financial journey. 

Emma grew up in England (which explains her love of rainy days) and when she is not flying back to visit her family, she likes to travel internationally where she enjoys learning about history and other cultures. She also enjoys live theater and classical music, creating pescatarian recipes, observing wildlife and being immersed in nature. She is a committed bibliophile, and just ever so slightly obsessed with Christmas. Emma lives in the Brier Creek area with her partner, Jeff, and her 13-year-old shih tzu, Fifi, who is the center of her life… (sorry Jeff!) She looks forward to meeting, and getting to know you all.